Kenmore front-loading dryer discounted close by - thrift shopping

Good morning! Now that the Bloomington-Normal Christmas parade is over, you're probably feeling the holiday spirit. Why not come warm up at your ReStore and start your holiday shopping? - Beautiful chifforobe with mirror, $125 - Kenmore front-loading washer/dryer set, $700 - Cube storage, $25 each - 8-foot lighted Christmas tree, $40

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Whirlpool dryer - Thrift Shops Normal, Illinois

Here are a few items that are now available on the sales floor. We’re open until 6:00pm, so hurry over and pick up something for you, or maybe a holiday gift. Bloomington ReStore 1402 W Washington St Bloomington, IL 61701 (309) Antique license plate Normal Illinois 454-6047

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